ICT Level 3 National Extended Certificate

Course Overview

Entry Qualifications

In addition to the standard College entry requirements (see below) this course requires students to have achieved grade 4 or above in GCSE Mathematics.

What will I study?

Year 1: You will study the following 2 mandatory units:

• Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information – Externally assessed through a task set and marked by Pearson over 5 hours in a one-week period

• Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business – Assessed by written assignments

Year 2: You will study the following mandatory unit:

• Unit 1: Information Technology – Externally assessed through a 2 hour written examination set and marked by the exam board

You will study 1 of the following optional units in year 2:

• Unit 5: Data Modelling – Assessed by internal assignment

• Unit 6: Website Development – Assessed by internal assignment

How will I study?

This course is taught using lectures, demonstrations, practical work, group activity and individual study. Teachers are not only well qualified and experienced but also provide students with a high level of professional support.

How is the course examined?

This Extended Diploma is assessed by a 5 hour practical exam, a 2 hour written exam and a portfolio. It is graded: Pass, Merit, and Distinction. Students can obtain a Distinction* grade overall.

Where next?

Level 3 courses earn you UCAS points allowing you to take on HND/ HNC or honours degrees.

What does the course combine well with?

Complementary subjects are any other level 3 subjects.


This course is equivalent to one A level.

College Entry Requirements

A minimum of five GCSEs, or equivalent, at grade A* – C or 4 – 9, including English Language and Maths from a

mixture of GCSEs and equivalents.

Students undertaking a Level 3 ‘hybrid’ programme comprising at least one A level element are required to meet the standard College A level entry criteria.



Practice Interviews 2025

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding practice/mock interviews on Wednesday 5th March between 11am and 2pm.  This is a chance for students to undertake a mock

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