WQE exists to inspire, prepare and enable the development of young professionals, through the provision of excellent post-16 educational opportunities.
We primarily serve Leicester, Leicestershire and the surrounding areas, as a provider of distinctive, accessible and high quality sixth form (16-19) education. We enable Advanced Level success and encourage our students in their early development as professionals. The next step for our students is progression to higher education or good quality employment & training.
We set out to inspire our students, nurture ambition and to prepare them for the future, where they will be ready as responsible and versatile citizens; curious about the world around them with an ongoing commitment to further learning and development in their lives.
As a leading local provider within the wider education system, we collaborate and respond locally to ensure our sixth form college curriculum is coherent, unrivalled in choice, ambitious and relevant. We provide a vital bridge from the school system at age 16 to higher education and future employment and skills opportunities, by providing high quality educational experiences in an excellent learning environment.

Young Professionals and Skills Needs
Click on the links below for further information.