ICT Level 1 Functional Skills

This course is an option within our Progression Support ESOL programme for students who clearly demonstrate the potential for advanced level study but, at the time of application have had insufficient time in Key Stage 4 to develop the underpinning language skills to enable immediate progression to advanced level.

Entry Qualifications

A minimum of five GCSEs at Grade E/2 including English Language.

What will I study?

This course lasts for a period of 1 year, where students gain practical knowledge of ICT. It is an introduction to ICT for students studying a L2 (non-ICT) qualification.

There are three main learning outcomes:

1. Using ICT – students will: identify the ICT requirements of a straightforward task; interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context; manage information storage; follow and demonstrate understanding of the needs for safety and security practices.

2. Finding and selecting information – students will: use search techniques to locate and select relevant information; select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task.

3. Developing, presenting and communicating information – students will: enter, develop and refine information using appropriate software to meet the requirements of straightforward tasks; use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task; use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task; combine information within a publication for a familiar audience and purpose; evaluate own use of ICT tools.

How will I study?

Group work; individual learning; e-learning; teacher led; student led.

How is the course examined?

The exam is set and assessed by the exam board. Assessment is by a 2-hour controlled assessment whereby learners will be required to prepare a task using ICT systems (and appropriate resources) and submit this to the exam board.


Where next?

Learners could progress from this qualification to:

• Level 2 Technical Diploma in IT

• Level 2 Extended Certificate in IT

What does the course combine well with?

Complementary subjects are English, Maths and subject specific employability courses including Business, Health and Social Care and Science.


College Entry Requirements

A minimum of five GCSEs at Grade E/2 including English Language.




Spring Careers Events

WQE’s two flagship Careers events are taking place this term. The sixth annual University Exhibition is on Tuesday 25 March from 10.30am – 2.30pm at Regent Road. We will be

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