Business Level 1 Certificate in Employability

This course is an option within our Progression Support ESOL programme for students who clearly demonstrate the potential for advanced level study but, at the time of application have had insufficient time in Key Stage 4 to develop the underpinning language skills to enable immediate progression to advanced level.

Entry Qualifications

A minimum of five GCSEs at Grade E/2 including English Language.

What will I study?

This is an introductory course in Employability (Business). Learners will:

•Be provided with the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques including personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life and obtaining work.

•Achieve a nationally recognized level 1 vocationally related qualification.

•Progress to related general and/or vocational qualifications e.g. OCR level 2 qualifications.

Regular workshop support is provided along with individual support for students to develop their portfolio evidence.

How will I study?

Learning takes place through a variety of teaching methods e.g. tutor led sessions, role play and group work. Individual projects and assignments are produced involving the students own research and so students are expected to work on their own account.

How is the course examined?

By portfolio assignment, which is sampled by the exam board’s external verifier. Homework and class activities are assessed throughout the course. This is a credit based qualification (QCF), completed through a number of portfolio units including:

•Working in Business & Administration

•Creating Business Documents

•Supporting Business Meetings

•Verbal and non-verbal communication

•Social action project

The course includes a period of work experience, from which three further units of evidence are completed:

•Preparing for Work Placement

•Learning from Work Placement

•Managing Your Health at Work

The course includes a National Citizen Service program, including a residential program and social action project, which all learners are required to participate in.


Where next?

Upon completion of this course students can progress to the Level 2 Diplomas or Certificates in Business.

What does the course combine well with?

All students will be required to take GCSE/Functional Skills English and Math if necessary whilst on the course.


College Entry Requirements

A minimum of five GCSEs at Grade E/2 including English Language.




Practice Interviews 2025

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding practice/mock interviews on Wednesday 5th March between 11am and 2pm.  This is a chance for students to undertake a mock

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