Physical Education A-Level (AQA)

Course Overview

Entry Qualifications

In addition to the standard College entry requirements (see below), this course also requires students to have achieved a minimum of:

  • Grade 55 in Combined Science or if separate sciences taken a grade 5 in Biology
  • Grade 4 in Maths
  • Grade 6 in GCSE PE (if taken)
  • Distinction in Level 2 BTEC Sport (if taken)

Students intending to take A level Physical Education should have already attained a high standard of performance in one sport. This course is suitable for strong academic and practical performers with a preference for exams.

What will I study?

  • Applied anatomy and physiology
  • Skill acquisition
  • Sport and society
  • Biomechanical movement
  • Sport psychology
  • Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport

How will I study?

Lessons involve teacher presentations, class assignments on an individual and group basis, discussion and debate, practical experiments, and individual presentations. You will adopt an investigative approach to the subject and maintain an up to date knowledge of current sporting issues through the media. Independent learning is required throughout the course. The practical assessment needs an in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of one sport and video evidence of performance will need to be provided

How is the course examined?

Paper 1 – Factors Affecting Participation: 2 hour written exam (35% of A-Level)

Paper 2 – Factors Affecting Optimal Performance: 2 hours written exam (35% of A-Level)

Practical & Written Assessment in one sport in a fully competitive situation (assessed through the Colleges Enrichment Programme & video evidence)

Where next?

This course is particularly appropriate for students planning a career in the areas of sports science, the recreation or leisure industries, sports administration, sports physiotherapy or PE teaching. Students applying for Sport-related degree courses will find the qualification an advantage. Although some students have progressed from the course to sport- related degrees, others have embarked on a wide range of degree courses.

What does the course combine well with?

The courses combine well with a range of other level three courses.

College Entry Requirements

We normally expect applicants to have achieved good GCSE passes in at least six subjects, these must:

  • demonstrate the suitability for Advanced Level study
  • have been achieved at Grade 4/C as a minimum
  • include two at Grade 5/B as a minimum
  • include English Language – a minimum grade of 4/C

Mathematics – If not achieved within the scope of the above should normally be achieved at grade 3/D. If mathematics is not achieved at grade 4/C then it will be a requirement to continue to study at the correct level until a grade 4 is achieved. Subjects with a mathematical content will require a higher grade.



Spring Careers Events

WQE’s two flagship Careers events are taking place this term. The sixth annual University Exhibition is on Tuesday 25 March from 10.30am – 2.30pm at Regent Road. We will be

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