German A Level

Course Overview

Entry Qualifications

In addition to the standard College entry requirements (see below), this course also normally requires students to have achieved grade 5 or above in GCSE English Language and at least a grade 6 in GCSE German. A grade 5 in German may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who have lived in Germany but do not have a GCSE qualification should see the subject teacher during enrolment.

What will I study?

The syllabus builds on the skills developed at GCSE, but with much more emphasis on grammar. Equal stress is placed on listening, reading, speaking and writing, together with discovery of contemporary culture and society.

Aspects of German-speaking society

• The changing state of the family

• The digital world

• Youth culture: fashion and trends, music, television

Artistic culture in the German-speaking world

• Festivals and traditions

• Art and architecture

• Cultural life in Berlin, past and present

Study of a German film


Multiculturalism in German-speaking society

• Immigration

• Integration

• Racism


Aspects of political life in the German-speaking world

• Germany and the EU

• Politics and youth

• German reunification and its consequence


Study of a German text

How will I study?

Lessons cover a variety of activities including individual and group work. Students are expected to use as much German as possible in and outside the classroom, make use of College facilities for private study (books, DVDs, WQE Online, magazines etc.) and take a general interest in all aspects of the language and culture. The department’s facilities include a language laboratory and computers. Students will also have an additional timetabled lesson each week with a native German speaker to assist with oral and listening skills.

How is the course examined?

In common with all other new A-level specifications, the new German A-level is linear with all exams being taken at the end of the second year.

Paper 1 – (50% A-Level) – Listening, Reading & Writing (Summary & Translation into both languages included)

Paper 2 – (20% A -Level) – Writing (Film & Book)

Paper 3 – (30% A-Level) – Speaking (Stimulus Card & Individual Project)

Where next?

All European languages are becoming more important as Europe is an open market. Students will be well prepared to use German for practical communication and to continue their studies in higher education. At university German may be combined with another language, a host of other subjects or studied on its own.

What does the course combine well with?

German combines well with any subject.

College Entry Requirements

We normally expect applicants to have achieved good GCSE passes in at least six subjects, these must:

• demonstrate the suitability for Advanced Level study

• have been achieved at Grade 4/C as a minimum

• include two at Grade 5/B as a minimum

• include English Language – a minimum grade of 4/C

Mathematics – If not achieved within the scope of the above should normally be achieved at grade 3/D. If mathematics is not achieved at grade 4/C then it will be a requirement to continue to study at the correct level until a grade 4 is achieved. Subjects with a mathematical content will require a higher grade.



Spring Careers Events

WQE’s two flagship Careers events are taking place this term. The sixth annual University Exhibition is on Tuesday 25 March from 10.30am – 2.30pm at Regent Road. We will be

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