Drama and Theatre A-Level (EDUQAS)

Course Overview

Entry Qualifications

In addition to the standard College entry requirements (see over), it is desirable to have studied Drama, Performing Arts or Dance at GCSE or BTEC level although in some cases where the subject has not been offered at School, extensive current experience of practical performance work in Theatre or Dance may qualify. This will be established on interview.

What will I study?

This course provides a balance of practical performing and continuing study, and reading, analysing and acting from recognised texts. You will participate in practical workshops and visit the theatre to see a range of contemporary and traditional performances. You will also devise original performances from creative group improvisation. There are opportunities for students who wish to focus on technical options such as costume, set, lighting or sound design in performance exams.

How will I study?

This course will be taught in a group with a teacher. You will be expected to make an active contribution to whatever you are working on, whether it be a group-based or solo- based piece of work: assignments will include both written and practical work. Students will be expected to participate in class discussions, trips to the theatre and practical workshops. As well as performing in role, you will be asked to record and analyse your thoughts on other people’s performances, both in journal and note form. Actors, directors, designers and other production team members will be considered and International theatre practitioners will also be a focus. Good Drama and Theatre students find the course challenging because it involves them in something that is both creative and academically rigorous.

How is the course examined?

Component 1: Theatre Workshop (20% of qualification) You will produce a performance based on a set text and using the focus of a theatre practitioner or a contemporary theatre company. This will be internally assessed by your teacher and externally moderated. A written creative log will support this performance work.

Component 2: Text in Action (40% of qualification) You will perform 2 pieces of theatre based on a stimulus supplied by WQE; a devised piece using the techniques and working methods of either an influential theatre practitioner or a recognized theatre company (different to Component 1) and an extract from a text in a contrasting style. These performances will be externally assessed by a visiting examiner.

Component 3: Text in Performance (40% of qualification) This is a written examination based on two set texts, there is a third ‘closed book’ section with a series of questions based on an extract from prepared text.

Where next?

All universities and degree- awarding institutions recognise Drama and Theatre A-level as a valid qualification. The transferable skills gained through the course are valuable in a wide range of careers; you will develop a problem solving approach to your learning, and a capacity to deal with challenging situations as well as building a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject that will be relevant to a whole range of studies.

What does the course combine well with?

This course combines well with a wide range of subjects including all Performing Arts, English, Art & Design and Media, Film Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences.

College Entry Requirements

We normally expect applicants to have achieved good GCSE passes in at least six subjects, these must:

• demonstrate the suitability for Advanced Level study

• have been achieved at Grade 4/C as a minimum

• include two at Grade 5/B as a minimum

• include English Language – a minimum grade of 4/C

Mathematics – If not achieved within the scope of the above should normally be achieved at grade 3/D. If mathematics is not achieved at grade 4/C then it will be a requirement to continue to study at the correct level until a grade 4 is achieved. Subjects with a mathematical content will require a higher grade.



Spring Careers Events

WQE’s two flagship Careers events are taking place this term. The sixth annual University Exhibition is on Tuesday 25 March from 10.30am – 2.30pm at Regent Road. We will be

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