Welfare and Skills team offer gardening sessions to support wellbeing

a picture of a garden with flowers, watering cans and wellies

Would you like to join a Gardening session?

Our Welfare and Skills team have started a new and exciting Gardening Project for students. Gardens are peaceful spaces with restorative qualities that can work wonders when we are stressed and under pressure. Evidence strongly suggests that if we spend time in a green environment, we can reduce stress, improve mood and improve our wellbeing.

The team will be planting and maintaining our garden in the courtyard at Regent Road throughout the year. During colder months they will be creating a variety of indoor garden crafts.

If students are interested, please email – Shona.Armann@wqe.ac.uk and you will be booked in for the next available session. Drop-in sessions will be available soon and will take place on Mondays 12.00pm -13.30pm. Please feel free to pop into R08 Welfare and Skills at Regent Road to find out more information or register your interest.