We’re proud to be one of the most popular sixth form colleges in Leicestershire attracting large numbers of applications for places each year. The College has grown considerably over the past few years to meet those demands and as a result we have been able to invest heavily in our facilities, combining these with an unrivalled range of courses available to you too. There are over 50 Advanced Level courses alone and we review these and the enrichment choices that accompany them regularly, to ensure clear pathways that are responsive to your future progression needs; you can combine options to meet your specific needs and aspirations with incredible flexibility and confidence that you can make a programme for your exact needs.
With these spaces and the excellent library and study centre spaces available to you across our buildings, you’ll have plenty of choice. All spaces are accessible to all students and you can use these to best meet your own needs.
We have an extensive further investments planned for the future too, to create increasingly specialist high quality learning spaces and to ensure that these are surrounded by the very best social, dining and academic study spaces. For example, our large and modern ‘J building’ provides specialist Creative Arts facilities and is an area that continues to flourish and expand. It is already at the leading edge and unrivalled locally as a sixth form facility, even offering the highly popular J Café too and we have plans to invest further in expanding our creative arts facilities. Our ‘R building’ primarily hosts A level students, with a highly academic and traditional feel. We are investing heavily in modernising this to combine the already inspiring traditional spaces with modern classrooms and new technologies. There is also a high specification super-sized sports centre and a modern gym adjoining the R Building and even a modern Starbucks café area on site too.
We are the leading centre for academic sciences in the area, with a fantastic range of laboratories and specialist equipment and we have plans to develop additional high specification laboratories in our specialist Science ‘S building’ and these facilities adjoin a range of fabulous IT suites.
Our ambitious estates strategy has a focus on delivering specialist spaces and a great sense of place and community within which to study, learn and develop amongst like minded friends. We believe there is no better environment locally and we are ambitious to keep improving our facilities year on year.