Ofsted Report

Following an inspection by Ofsted in April 2024, WQE has been rated as a Good Sixth Form College overall.  This reflects the Good ratings achieved in all categories, including the quality of education provided. 

The summary judgements by Ofsted in their report are as follows;

  • Overall effectiveness is Good
  • The quality of education is Good
  • Behaviour and attitudes is Good
  • Personal development is Good
  • Leadership and management is Good
  • Education programmes for young people are Good

The report recognised and praised many of the strengths of the College including;

Our students and their development

“students value the welcoming, inclusive and studious atmosphere.

“students work calmly and productively.”

“students develop significant new knowledge, skills and behaviours. They are well prepared for their next steps. The large majority of students who study at level 3 make progress to undergraduate courses”

“students develop their confidence and character during their studies. They develop knowledge of professional presentational skills, and of personal qualities that they will need to be successful at work and at university.”

students “appreciate the high expectations that teachers have of them, and the way in which they treat them like young adults. ”

Our teachers

“teachers are experts in their subjects, and have suitable qualifications for their roles. They use their knowledge and experience well to teach lively and engaging lessons.”

“teachers also use practice activities effectively to help students consolidate the new knowledge and skills they gain. ”

“teachers also ensure that students understand their high expectations for attendance and punctuality”

“teachers check students’ knowledge thoroughly… they use probing questions to encourage students to provide full responses and to justify their reasoning.”

“when students misunderstand topics, teachers intervene sensitively and provide further explanations.”

“staff understand clearly how to prepare students for higher education.”

Our culture and supportive environment

“college staff at all levels ensure that the college is an inclusive environment, which reflects the diverse student body”

“teachers have a good understanding of the needs of students with SEND on their courses. They know how to support these students effectively”

“students feel safe at the college sites.

“a welfare and support team offers bespoke help to vulnerable groups of students, such as young carers and looked after children. Students cover topics such as LGBTQ+ rights and misogyny as part of their courses, which teachers link effectively to British values such as individual liberty.”

Our curriculum and ‘Young Professionals’ philosophy

“On many courses, students benefit from links to employers, which enhance their knowledge of possible career paths.”

“leaders and teachers use industry links effectively to help them design and teach the curriculum.”

“staff plan and organise curriculums logically. They select topics that are relevant to students’ future career and study goals.”

“students also plan and run a significant number of college societies and events, such as debating societies and faith groups.”

“leaders and managers provide a broad range of careers information, advice and guidance to students. Students have access to individualised careers interviews to help them plan their possible next steps, as well as careers fairs, university exhibitions, and talks from industry experts.”

Our ambitions and next steps

Whilst staff are rightly proud of the positive report received, we naturally have ambitions to keep improving and are ready to make even further strides forward in the years ahead.  In this respect the report recognises that “both leaders and governors are ambitious for their students”.

The College continues to invest extensively in our staff and our facilities, with the report highlighting that “leaders and managers also focus closely on the quality of the curriculum that they offer” and that “they work together effectively on well-considered capital projects, which lead to investment in improved resources and equipment for students.”  Our Governors know the college well, are very engaged in our development and support ongoing improvements, with inspectors reporting that “governors hold leaders to account effectively. This results in positive outcomes for students.”

The report has given us a range of helpful and constructive feedback that will be useful to inform the next phase of development planning.  As part of this, we plan to further improve consistency, including in the sequencing of the curriculum in some areas and by sharing the best practice seen in how teachers check students’ knowledge of new topics carefully and build on this.

It was also encouraging to see the impact that our commitment to ‘developing young professionals’ is already having and we will be taking this strategy further, in partnership with staff, key stakeholders and our students, ensuring that students are ideally prepared for the future and their professional careers. 

For the full Ofsted report click here