Purpose-built, specialist accommodation
We have extensive study and learning resource facilities, ranging from traditional and inspiring library spaces to extensive IT study centres and multiple supervised study rooms. There are also fitness suites, creative spaces and great social and dining facilities.
Our students benefit from our estate and high quality buildings located in Leicester’s established learning quarter and next to the University of Leicester. Many of our curriculum teams have links with university counterparts and for some project work students have access to the David Wilson Library. Students may also use some university facilities including the bookshop and cashpoints.

Teaching and learning at WQE takes place in purpose built facilities.
J Building is our state-of-the-art facility for art, design, graphics, photography, textiles and ceramics, and includes wood and metal workshops. It also houses a café, art gallery, dark rooms, and drama and music studios.
Our science laboratories have been adapted for each individual science and have been entirely remodelled and re-equipped, to incorporate specialist facilities for teaching and learning.
“I enjoyed the transition from my old college, as at WQE it requires me to be more independent as a person and I feel like I have more choice and freedom, with help available when needed being at WQE.”
Nathan Mistry
Business, English Language, Physical Education,
Certificate in Financial Studies