Parents & Carers

We are delighted that your child has chosen WQE College as their place of learning for the next stage of their education and we would like to take the opportunity to wish you a heartfelt welcome to our college.

Here at WQE, we encourage all parents and carers to join with us as we support and encourage our learners in their studies and although the College has a somewhat different ethos from that experienced at school, we do still set high standards of behaviour and expect all students to take their responsibilities, both to themselves and others, seriously.

To help them develop into young, independent adults, we provide a comprehensive range of support advice and guidance services, personal tutors and other staff to help our students every step of the way. More detail on these areas can be found in our Support and guidance section.

The part you play, the interest you show and the continuing support you provide are essential. I look forward to working with you to ensure that your child enjoys their time here at the College; that they maximise the opportunities offered and that courses of study are completed successfully.

Andrew Jackson
Associate Principal (Ambition and Progress)

All parents/carers will be issued with a detailed Parents/Carers Handbook on enrolment.

The College is committed to equal opportunities. In pursuit of this commitment the College will keep under scrutiny the effect of its policies, procedures and actions upon equal opportunities and equal treatment of staff, students and the public and will act upon any evidence which suggests that inequalities exist.

photo of students and teacher outside on the grass taking samples

Exam Period 2024

We understand that the exam period can be a stressful time for our young people. Please click here to access a helpful document, explaining ways in which parents/carers can support their children during this time.

Success at Sixth Online Event

We hope that you were able to join us at our online Success at Sixth event and that you found it useful as your child embarks on their journey at WQE.

If you were unable to attend, please watch the recording below, or use the links to view the presentations:

Introduction from the Principal

Growth Mindset Presentation


Andrew Jackson

Associate Principal (Student Ambition and Progress)