Level 3 Year 1 students – requests to change a course

Level 3 Year 1 students, requests to change a course.

For the few students who feel they would have been better to choose to study a different subject, the College has an opportunity for them to request a change to an individual course.

For most students, they will have picked the right subjects at enrolment and they are best advised to settle in to these subjects.  We are only able to facilitate a change where students have attended all of their lessons well and are suitably qualified for the course on to which they wish to move. It will also only be possible to make a change where the proposed timetable is feasible and there is space on the requested course.

Students get information about the process for making these requests during their PPM group sessions in mid-September, as well as via email.

Students who wish to request a change will fill out an online form (a link to this form will be sent to students on Thursday 19th September). This will then be reviewed by support and curriculum leaders. These students will then attend a session on Thursday 26th September where the requested change will be discussed, and a decision taken as to whether the change is appropriate and feasible.

Students who are considering requesting a change are encouraged to speak with their PPM.  Parent/Carers can also contact the student’s PPM if they have any questions about whether a student should request a course change.

This process is just for students who want to request a change of one course that makes up no more than one third of their programme. For discussion about more substantial changes the student should arrange to meet with their Head of Studies.