
Welcome to the governance pages of the WQE & Regent College Group.

The WQE Regent Road Campus and the WQE University Road Campus are governed by the WQE and Regent College Group Corporation.

The Governors are responsible for the strategic and financial direction of each campus and support the College’s staff in providing an environment in which all students can fulfil their potential.

The College is justifiably proud of its students’ achievements, the qualifications they gain, their development as young people and the contribution they make to their community.

Governors take a keen interest in the quality of students’ experience, their well-being and onward progression.  They have strong links with teaching and support areas and participate in events at each campus.

As an independent self-governing sixth form college within the further education sector funding for educating its students comes direct from the government.

Make contact with the Corporation through its Director of Governance, Rachel Middleton –

a picture of the WQE campus
a picture of students, lecturers, and governors supporting the Ukraine charity
Great to see members of our Student Executive coming together with Governors in support of Ukraine.


Additional Learning Support Lead

Additional Learning Support Lead Thank you for your interest in this post at WQE. We believe that this is a particularly exciting time to be joining us, offering a real opportunity to make a difference in this thriving and vibrant Sixth Form College. We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work with students; their academic and wider achievements, their learning experiences, the support they receive in their academic progress, their learning environment and their wider experience of College life. The College operates across two closely located campuses, next to the

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