Attendance Information

Attendance and Punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality are key to students making good progress, our analysis shows that:

  • at least 95% attendance is a key for achieving at or above a student’s target grade.
  • an attendance level of less than 85% puts a student at significant risk of underachieving.
  • Consistently missing the start of lessons leads to lost learning and risks students not meeting their target grade.

To help encourage good attendance at all lessons, WQE uses daily text and email communication with students and their parent/carers about attendance issues.

Communications will be sent:

  • if a student is absent from college and they have not submitted a Sickness Absence Form before 10am on that day.
  • if a student does not attend all of their timetabled sessions for a day.

These communications are for information only. Students should deal with any questions about their attendance by talking to their PPM at the next group session.

If a student starts to experience barriers to good levels of attendance, they should get in touch with the College, via their PPM, as soon as possible. The College will look to put support in place so that a return to good patterns of attendance is achieved.

Sickness Absence

Students must complete and submit a Sickness Absence Form before 10am each day they are off to give the reason for their absence. If they do not do this, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Students must include the reason they are absent and the name of their PPM.

If a student feels unwell during the college day they should see their PPM, or another PPM at either site, in person to sign-out.

Other Short Term Absence (1-2 days)

Students must contact their PPM requesting the time off as soon as they know about it and must provide:

  • the date(s), times and lessons that will be missed
  • the reason for the absence
  • evidence if applicable (e.g. medical appointment)

The PPM will then decide whether the absence can be approved.

Planned Absence (3 days or more)

Parent/Carers or the student must complete the Term Time Absence Request Form. This will be reviewed by our Associate Principal for Student and Welfare within 10 days of submitting the request.

You must provide three college weeks notice for non-emergency requests, the date(s) and the reason must be included. You should be aware that the College does not normally approve term time absences of more than 5 days. It is expected that in the vast majority of circumstances that holidays and visits will be arranged for out of term time.

For further details about how the College deals with student absences, please click here to view our one page guide.